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Overall mission of the BWG Research Network is to develop and sustain collaborations with researchers, programs and policymakers to carry out research that expands existing knowledge of effective ways to promote children’s early language by enriching their opportunities for learning in their homes and in their communities


The Bridging the Word Gap Research Network has the following objectives:

Goal 1. Develop and maintain the infrastructure to support a national multi-site network of research partners that will collaborate to strengthen the evidence base of effective interventions for reducing the word gap and promoting children’s early language development

Goal 2. Establish partnerships with programs working with underserved populations to carry out multi-site research activities for developing and testing interventions to support and enhance children’s language learning environments.

Goal 3. Develop and implement a plan for disseminating research findings and intervention-relevant resources to diverse stakeholders (families and professionals in the health, education, and community sectors).

Goal 4. Train/mentor diverse emerging scholars through innovative mentorship/research experiences and manuscript development.



Learn about the background and goals of our work in this video: